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Do You Want Your Child To Learn
The 3 Foundational Keys To Academic Excellence?
Give Your Child The Gift Of Focus, Confidence & Self-Discipline
India's First Exclusively Designed, Foundational Home Study Course On Focus, Confidence & Self-Discipline For Students!
✅ Revealed! 15 Minutes 'Everyday' Secret Excercise To Improve Focus!
✅ 20+ Steps You Can Take Today To Enhance Self-Confidence!
✅ Learn The Hidden 5-Step Formula To Develop Self-Discipline!
Dear Student,
Are you taking the right action towards your goals every day?
Do you keep up with your timetable every single time?
Do you have a plan for your exam success?
Are you confident talking to your teachers, principal or that dashing personality in your class/school/college?
Is it simple for you to focus and concentrate 100% on your assignments and project work, especially when the exams are NOT around the corner?
If you have answered YES to these questions, this program is NOT for you...
But wait! If you answered NO to these questions and your answers to the following questions are still NO, then you NEED this program.
Do people around you compliment you about your focusing abilities?
Do you attain every goal you set for yourself on time?
Do you find it easy to be self-disciplined when there are distractions around you?
Don't agonize, lose sleep over it or don't worry and feel bad.
You are NOT alone, there are millions of students just like you and that is the exact reason why we have created this home- study course for you. This is the most important foundational course on focus, confidence, and self-discipline for students.
Main Highlights Of The Foundational Home-Study Course
What Is Focus For Students & How To Develop It.
The 15 Minute Secret Excercise To Increase Focus Towards Studies.
The 25 Ways You Can Start Using Immediately To Enhance Self-Confidence.
The 5 Step Secret Strategy To Develop Self-Discipline Towards Studies.
The Audio Format Of The Course delivered Using A High-End Interface Software.
The All-New Flip Version Of The Book To Help You Enjoy Your Reading.
A Downloadable Well-Designed Workbook That Helps You Extract More Benefits From The Course.
Read This Before Going ANY Further
From The Research Space Of MD Ahmed
Bangalore, IN
This home-study course teaches you the basic principles of focus, confidence, and self-discipline for students.
These are the concepts our traditional education system forgot to teach our children. Hence, we are responsible for teaching these all-important concepts to help students become more focused on their goals and develop confidence and self-discipline.
In this home-study program, I reveal my secret 15-minute daily exercise to increase focus towards studies. I also teach the 20+ confidence-building strategies to help your child become a more dynamic individual. The program concludes with the 5 steps hidden formula to develop self-discipline towards completing school/college and exam work.
Please Note: This is a foundational course that every student MUST undertake!
When You Invest In "Focus, Confidence, And Self-Discipline For Students" Today (Just ₹1,199), I'll Give You Rock-Solid Confidence Subliminal Tape... For FREE!
When You Invest In This:
✔ Focus, Confidence, And Self-Discipline For Students
- The All-New Flip Version Of The Book To Help You Enjoy Your Reading.
- The Audio Format Of The Course.
- A Downloadable Well-Designed Workbook That Helps You Extract More Benefits From The Course.

You'll Get Rock-Solid Confidence For Students - Subliminal Tape... For FREE!!!